Anyone who has visited a marijuana dispensary has likely seen strains branded Indica, Sativa, or hybrid. However, how helpful are these labels? What are the distinctions between Indica and Sativa strains? Should you pick a strain depending on how it makes you feel? In this post, we’ll discuss the differences between Indicas and Sativas, as well as common misconceptions and the best methods for selecting a cannabis strain.

Sativa Effects vs. Indica Effects

While the idea that Indica marijuana weed provides a more body-heavy high and Sativa-dominant strains produce a more stimulating cerebral high has some truth, it isn’t always true. The combination of cannabinoids and terpenes is everything that determines how a strain makes you feel.

So, how did Indica marijuana strains earn their reputation for causing “couch-lock”? It’s most likely because Indica-dominant strains contain higher quantities of terpene called myrcene. But it’s unclear why Sativa-dominant strains have a reputation for being uplifting.

Again, relying on Indica and Sativa labels to forecast a strain’s effects isn’t the ideal approach, and we’ll go into better strategies for selecting a strain later in the post. But first, let’s see some of the various effects that Indicas and Sativas are known for.

Better Ways to Choose a Strain

As previously stated, after decades of crossbreeding, the terms Indica and Sativa have lost their meaning. Let’s look at better techniques to choose a strain now that you know the fundamental differences between Indica-dominant and Sativa-dominant. You should focus on cannabinoids and terpenes rather than Indica vs. Sativa if you want to dial in how a strain will make you feel.

Cannabinoids and Terpenes

While THC and CBD are the most recognized cannabinoids, marijuana contains over a hundred cannabinoids and dozens of distinct terpenes. In a method known as “the entourage effect,” they work together in harmony to give each strain, such as nighttime strains, their own distinct qualities.

Before you become overwhelmed, keep in mind that you don’t have to be an expert on every cannabinoid and terpene. You’ll be OK if you just know the essentials. So, start thinking about the THC-CBD spectrum instead of thinking about a strain’s effects in terms of Sativa, Indica marijuana, or hybrid.


Because these are the two cannabis strains that are responsible for the majority of the drug’s effects.


THC is responsible for the well-known “high” associated with cannabis. As a result, most recreational users seeking high potencies choose high-THC strains. The higher the effects, the more THC there is. However, you run the chance of having more adverse effects, such as anxiety, if you use high THC strains. Nevertheless, because everyone’s physiology is different, the same stain can feel completely different from person to person. If you’re new to cannabis, it’s best to start with strains with lower to moderate THC levels to gauge your tolerance and preferences.


CBD has exploded in reputation in recent years due to its ability to provide a wide range of medicinal advantages while avoiding the euphoric effects of THC. These strains are popular among those who don’t want to get “high” or are anxious.

A Balanced Approach

For many folks, a THC-CBD strain with a more balanced ratio is the way to go. A balanced strain can nonetheless deliver a less powerful euphoric effect than THC-dominant strains. CBD is also known as THC’s “babysitter,” as it can diminish the drug’s tendency to cause anxiety. They work together to provide you a truly pleasurable experience with less undesirable side effects.

It’s great to start thinking about terpenes and how they affect your experience once you’ve found a THC/CBD ratio that you like. There are dozens of terpenes that give each strain its own aroma and provide a broad spectrum of medicinal benefits.

Now that you’ve mastered the Indica vs. Sativa debate (as well as better methods for selecting a strain), it’s time to pay us a visit at Smoky Express! We carry Indica-dominant, Sativa-dominant hybrids and THC-CBD strains from all around the world. We’ll be satisfied to assist you in selecting the ideal strain to meet your objectives.

Visit Smoky Express today to buy the best quality Indica marijuana, Sativa, mushrooms, and Edibles.

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